Notice of Special General Meeting
January 22 at 7:00 pm
St Marks Church, 12953 20th Ave
Please arrive at the normal time
(a change in our program means we can hold this meeting at our normal start time)
January 22 at 7:00 pm
St Marks Church, 12953 20th Ave
Please arrive at the normal time
(a change in our program means we can hold this meeting at our normal start time)
Resolution you will be asked to vote on
Proposed Revised Bylaws
Annotated Bylaws to show what changes were made and why
Our Current Bylaws
Your questions answered
What is the meeting about?
Members will be asked whether or not the South Surrey Garden Club should become a Registered Society.
For 35 years, the South Surrey Garden Club has operated informally with no legal status of any kind. We were not a registered entity with the provincial or federal governments. We have been flying totally under the radar, so to speak.
Recently, the government has introduced stricter money laundering laws which affect our ability to use the Square payment system for our plant sale. One way to solve this problem is to go back to cash-only sales. The other way is to incorporate as a Registered Society in BC.
The Executive believes Square is important to the success of our Sale - it is currently used for roughly half of all payments, and it allows shoppers to impulse purchase that "one extra lovely plant" they hadn't planned on getting
The Executive has decided that the benefits of using Square make it worthwhile to take the step of formalizing our status.
What is involved?
We need to register our name and bylaws with the government. Although most of our current by-laws satisfy the standards of the Act, some things will have to be different.. if you are interested you can see the whole Act here: BC Societies Act
SSGC member Phil Knight volunteered to help us with this, and he is well suited for the job. In his working life, he was a plain language legislative drafter,
Phil worked with a small committee consisting of Pam Robertson (Membership Chair), Jane Goundrey (Plant Sale Co-Chair) and Liz Knight (President). He studied our current bylaws, and the BC Societies Act, and drafted a new set of bylaws for us. The entire Executive has overseen and approved these new Bylaws.
You will find links that take you to our current Bylaws, the proposed revised Bylaws, and an annotated version which compares our current and proposed Bylaws, and shows you the changes that were made and why.
We would like to become a Registered Society in enough time to set up our Square devices for our plant sale on May 3.
We are not certain how long it will take for the government to approve our application.
This is why we calling for this Special General Meeting in January, to maximize the time to complete the registration process. (assuming the special resolution is approved)
Members will be asked whether or not the South Surrey Garden Club should become a Registered Society.
For 35 years, the South Surrey Garden Club has operated informally with no legal status of any kind. We were not a registered entity with the provincial or federal governments. We have been flying totally under the radar, so to speak.
Recently, the government has introduced stricter money laundering laws which affect our ability to use the Square payment system for our plant sale. One way to solve this problem is to go back to cash-only sales. The other way is to incorporate as a Registered Society in BC.
The Executive believes Square is important to the success of our Sale - it is currently used for roughly half of all payments, and it allows shoppers to impulse purchase that "one extra lovely plant" they hadn't planned on getting
The Executive has decided that the benefits of using Square make it worthwhile to take the step of formalizing our status.
What is involved?
We need to register our name and bylaws with the government. Although most of our current by-laws satisfy the standards of the Act, some things will have to be different.. if you are interested you can see the whole Act here: BC Societies Act
SSGC member Phil Knight volunteered to help us with this, and he is well suited for the job. In his working life, he was a plain language legislative drafter,
Phil worked with a small committee consisting of Pam Robertson (Membership Chair), Jane Goundrey (Plant Sale Co-Chair) and Liz Knight (President). He studied our current bylaws, and the BC Societies Act, and drafted a new set of bylaws for us. The entire Executive has overseen and approved these new Bylaws.
You will find links that take you to our current Bylaws, the proposed revised Bylaws, and an annotated version which compares our current and proposed Bylaws, and shows you the changes that were made and why.
We would like to become a Registered Society in enough time to set up our Square devices for our plant sale on May 3.
We are not certain how long it will take for the government to approve our application.
This is why we calling for this Special General Meeting in January, to maximize the time to complete the registration process. (assuming the special resolution is approved)
If you have ANY questions, or concerns, please raise them as soon as possible, so we have time to do our research and find the correct answer for you.
We will publish all the questions we receive (with the answers) in the Friday Updates, so we can all learn together.
If you have ANY questions, or concerns, please raise them as soon as possible, so we have time to do our research and find the correct answer for you.
We will publish all the questions we receive (with the answers) in the Friday Updates, so we can all learn together.
Call or write:
Liz Knight
[email protected]
Pam Robertson
[email protected]
H: 604.535.1519
M: 604.603.3313
Jane Goundrey
[email protected]
Phil Knight
[email protected]
Liz Knight
[email protected]
Pam Robertson
[email protected]
H: 604.535.1519
M: 604.603.3313
Jane Goundrey
[email protected]
Phil Knight
[email protected]