Find the perfect plant sale volunteer job for you!
1CMany volunteers are needed to make the sale a success.
On Friday evening there is a pot luck supper to which all volunteers are invited. It is a time to socialize and meet your fellow club members and think about what plants you want to purchase.
Scroll down to see all the different volunteer roles and find the perfect one for you!
Pink is where we still need help
1. Apron Management Rita de Raadt
Duties: Saturday 8:00am
2. Boxes, Trays and Pots Collection. All Members
Duties: Weeks before the sale:
3. Cashiers and Assistants. Brenda Woosnam
Duties: Friday 6:30 pm (after dinner)
Two cashiers and assistants are set up in the main hall at the membership table to assist those volunteers buying plants that evening.
Saturday 8:15 am-12:30 pm.
Three cashiers plus assistants outside in the back: one express cashier and assistant; one cashier and assistant outside at the front
4. Clean Up – Main Hall and Outside Joanie Webster 1 volunteer needed
Duties: Saturday 12:00 pm.
All inside volunteers
5. Club Membership table Pam Robertson
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
6. Delivery of Plants to Pick-up Points Debbie Baxter 1 volunteer needed
Duties: Saturday 8:15 am to 12:30 pm
7. Drivers with Trucks Ross Williams
Duties: Start delivering plants to hall no earlier than Friday 1:30pm
People have to contact the coordinator in regards to having plants picked up. Then arrangements have to be made for time of pick up.
8. Floaters and Greeters Colleen Martin
Duties: Saturday 8:00 am
9. Hall Set-up and Plant signage Cindy MacIntosh
Duties: Friday – Noon
10. Holding Area Set-Up - Outside Cindy MacIntosh
Duties: Saturday 7:15 am to 8:00 am.
11. Holding Area (Outside Workers). Betty Lou Douglas 1 volunteer needed
Duties: Saturday 8:15 am to 12:30 pm.
E.g. tray with card 68 is placed on table 8
12. Inside Runners Carol Wong
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
13. Kitchen Help: Friday plus Pot Luck Fran Peatling
Duties: Friday 1 pm.
14. Kitchen Help: Saturday Sandi Bellamy
Duties: Saturday 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
15. Plant Arranging on the Tables – Plus Table Workers/Sellers
Jean Bengough (Sun) Liz Knight (Shade)
Duties: Friday 1:30 pm
Pramila Nair (Sun) Liz Knight (Shade)
16. Plant Information Table
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m to 12:00 pm.
17. Plant Reception Joan Bentley
Duties: Friday 1:00pm.
18. Plant Sorting and Distribution Gwen Odermatt
Duties: Friday 1:00
19. Propagation - Plant Sale Only
Duties: This may be set up as a separate committee for the Plant Sale.
20. Lawn Signs.
21. Shopper Traffic Directing Brenda Woosnam
22. Sign Placement in Community.Hope and Brian Hilstad
Duties: Saturday 7 am.
23. Tags
24. Tools and Treasures Marie McConkey
Duties: Starting 2 Months prior to sale
25. Traffic, Security and Crowd Control Gary Reitmayer
Duties: Friday 1:30 p.m.
26. Trees and Shrubs Bryan Williams
Duties: Friday 1:00 to 4:30pm
27. Value-Added Items
28. Volunteer Sign in Lee Bolton
Duties: Friday 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm:
Saturday 8:00 a.m.-9 a.m.
29. Yellow Tag Sorting Lori Ross
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
On Friday evening there is a pot luck supper to which all volunteers are invited. It is a time to socialize and meet your fellow club members and think about what plants you want to purchase.
Scroll down to see all the different volunteer roles and find the perfect one for you!
Pink is where we still need help
1. Apron Management Rita de Raadt
Duties: Saturday 8:00am
- Wear a hat and name tag
- Sign out either a yellow or green apron as needed
- Keep a record in the book of member name and apron number. There are 38 yellow and 18 green aprons
- Collect, wash, fold and return aprons to the Plant Chair at May meeting
2. Boxes, Trays and Pots Collection. All Members
Duties: Weeks before the sale:
- Collect nursery trays from garden centers and club members and beer flats from liquor stores.
- Deliver pots for propagation sessions– store trays, boxes & flats until sale – deliver on Friday
3. Cashiers and Assistants. Brenda Woosnam
Duties: Friday 6:30 pm (after dinner)
Two cashiers and assistants are set up in the main hall at the membership table to assist those volunteers buying plants that evening.
Saturday 8:15 am-12:30 pm.
Three cashiers plus assistants outside in the back: one express cashier and assistant; one cashier and assistant outside at the front
- Wear Hats and Name Tags (everyone)
- All cashiers and assistants meet with coordinator at 8:15 am in holding area behind church.
- Assistant:
- pull yellow tags from plants and match number of yellow tags with number of plants, tray by tray,
- arrange in groups by price
- read prices out to cashier
- Cashier:
- add up prices from tags and total the charge
- collect money and make change
- place a coloured skewer in each plant tray to indicate payment
- in trees and shrubs area tie a pink plastic strip on trees and shrubs to indicate paid;
- use skewers to mark individual plants or trays of plants that have been paid for
- Yellow tags are placed in ice cream bucket for sorting inside
- Sold plants are to be moved by delivery persons to plant pick-up area for customers to pick up.
- When plant sale finished please help with clean-up of outside area, washing and rolling table coverings, all signage removed, chairs stacked inside etc.
4. Clean Up – Main Hall and Outside Joanie Webster 1 volunteer needed
Duties: Saturday 12:00 pm.
All inside volunteers
- Coordinator to supply small buckets, cloths and garbage bags.
- Cleaning can’t begin until sellers remove their plants. Yellow tags are then removed from remaining plants and put into “unsold plants” container for the treasurer. These plants are taken outside. This step is done by inside workers.
- Plant Sale volunteers, working in pairs: remove table coverings, wipe down tables and carry rented tables (look for green tape) outside where stacked for pick-up.
- Once the hall is emptied, volunteers should vacate the hall unless they have signed up for clean-up.
- Mats are shaken outside.
- Hall is dry mopped-going from one end to the other and into corners.
- Then hall is wet mopped (church has only one bucket and mop). All marks have to be removed from the hall floor.
- Check that the kitchen is clean, floor has been washed and garbage bagged up. Ditto for “nursery room” off the foyer where yellow tag sorting took place.
- Remove garbage from bathrooms. All garbage has to be removed from the church.
- Church must be left spotless and all items returned to their original positions as located on Friday before set-up.
5. Club Membership table Pam Robertson
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
- Wear hat and name tag
- Have general information/brochures about the club on hand as well as information sheet about May and June meetings
- Sign up any new members
- Clean and pack up membership table at end of sale
6. Delivery of Plants to Pick-up Points Debbie Baxter 1 volunteer needed
Duties: Saturday 8:15 am to 12:30 pm
- 8:15 am: Coordinator to meet with volunteers for orientation.
- A delivery person assigned to each of 3 main cashier stations. When plants are paid for ask how many trays are to be moved. Check for proof of payment (coloured skewers) on tray.
- Help to carry sold plants from the cashier station to the pick-up area.
- Help load plants in cars IF not too busy (not during rush hour 9:30-10:30)
- Retrieve skewers from trays/plants once trays stowed in car.
- At close of Plant Sale collect pylons and signs for the plant pick-up points and return them to coordinator. Assist with holding area clean-up, especially folding and stacking tables and taking down canopies.
7. Drivers with Trucks Ross Williams
Duties: Start delivering plants to hall no earlier than Friday 1:30pm
People have to contact the coordinator in regards to having plants picked up. Then arrangements have to be made for time of pick up.
- Help set up the hall with tables
- The plant reception tables etc.
- Wear a hat and name tag
- assist in setting up holding area and cashiers’ area
- assist in the take down of all tables after the sale – especially outside
- assist with the removal and transportation of unsold plants – after noon.
8. Floaters and Greeters Colleen Martin
Duties: Saturday 8:00 am
- Wear a hat and name tag
- Purchase 5 dozen “Timbits” the morning of the sale and give to people in line up before the sale and to volunteers
- Conduct the customer survey while people are waiting to enter the hall before 9 am start
- Show newcomers map of hall so they can find what they are after quickly
- After the line-up has gone in, one greeter can take on another job that he/she has signed up for.
- One greeter can conduct the customer survey while customers are waiting to pay for plants (IF not previously surveyed)
- Tally the results of the survey and give report of the survey to the chairperson (for next year’s sale)
9. Hall Set-up and Plant signage Cindy MacIntosh
Duties: Friday – Noon
- Remove any small chairs that are in the hall and put into the Church library.
- Move any Church tables and put behind the areas of the hall, plus the information and telephone table.
- Receive delivery of rented tables etc.
- Mark all the tables with green tape and pen.
- See the large map of how the tables are set up for the plant sale and the area for the plant sorting and distribution.
- 40 tables are required for the main hall and 20 for outside.
- Try not to use the Church tables if possible. However, the large Church table in front of the kitchen can be used. (Remove their table cover though) Also we can use the small brown tables from the Church – these go at the end of each set of plant tables.
- The red arrow signs go high up above the exit door, along with exit signs.
- One cashier sign is needed for the opposite entrance where a table is also set up for the 4th cashier and assistant.
- Wear a hat and name tag,
- Hand out all the signs required for outside, also the parking etc.
- Assist with the setting up of the outside areas for cashiers and holding area.
10. Holding Area Set-Up - Outside Cindy MacIntosh
Duties: Saturday 7:15 am to 8:00 am.
- Wear a hat and name tag
- Set out 23 rented tables at rear of church - see map- plus 1 or 2 tables at front of church (by ‘trees and shrubs’ area)
- Cover tables with heavy vinyl/oilcloth table coverings
- Set up the 3 club canopies and any borrowed from members (depending on the weather)
- Indicate plant pick-up area for pick up by vehicles using signs and pylons
- Block off the end of the holding area with white chain
- Set up signage (table #s, no parking, exit only, cashier signs)
11. Holding Area (Outside Workers). Betty Lou Douglas 1 volunteer needed
Duties: Saturday 8:15 am to 12:30 pm.
- Wear a hat, name tag and apron. Meet with coordinator at 8:30 for orientation
- Coordinator assigns people to the various tasks:
- Receive trays from inside runners and ensure each has a laminated number. This number is then put onto a plastic card holder stuck into tray of plants. (The matching number is held by the customer to whom plants belong).
- Plant trays are moved to the holding tables on exterior back wall of church.
- Place plant trays on tables to match numbers mounted on church wall.
E.g. tray with card 68 is placed on table 8
- At least one worker assigned to each cashier station to collect plants for that station.
- When customers are at cashier’s station take customer’s number card/s and find tray/s with matching number card/s. Carry trays to cashier station where customer is waiting. Keep customer’s trays together.
- Retrieve both laminated cards bearing the same number plus the stick and return them to holding area entrance.
- At completion of sale assist with clean-up of the holding area.
12. Inside Runners Carol Wong
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Wear hat, apron and name tag
- Volunteers meet (just inside exit door near the kitchen)with coordinator at 8:30 a.m. for briefing
- Supply customers with trays to hold plants if necessary
- Be prepared with pairs of laminated numbers. These are initially given to you by the coordinator.
- Take chosen purchases (trays of plants) from customers and give them a number. Duplicate number is placed on tray of plants (should be visible).
- Remind customers that they will need to present their numbers to collect their trays of plants at the cashier station.
- Take trays of plants to holding area outside. Number will be mounted on a holder stuck into plants. Matching numbers will later re-unite purchaser with chosen plants.
- Collect additional pairs of numbers here as necessary.
- Encourage people to shop.
13. Kitchen Help: Friday plus Pot Luck Fran Peatling
Duties: Friday 1 pm.
- Wear hat, name tag, and apron
- All the supplies – coffee, tea, sugar, milk, napkins, juice – will be bought by the coordinator (including ice if it is a warm day)
- Open window for ventilation and turn on fan
- Move to one side/one shelf in the fridge any items belonging to the church and label or cover them so that no one uses them.
- Use smaller size urn for coffee for the afternoon. People may only need water or juice.
- Ensure tablecloths go on tables set up in the foyer.
- Organize the potluck food, as the volunteers bring it to the kitchen: store in fridge or heat up.
- The coffee for the pot luck goes on around 4 pm-decaf is preferred by most. Have food ready for serving on foyer tables by 5:00 pm
- Everyone attending will assist with the clean-up of the potluck area, tables and chairs.
- Clean all the kitchen area – leave any goodies etc. for Saturday volunteers.
- Close window when leaving and Check/double check that all gas is turned off on oven/stove, turn off fan
- Liaise with Saturday Kitchen Coordinator if any supplies need to be purchased for Saturday. Coordinate receipts and submit to treasurer.
- The people from the kitchen and cashier go for their plants first.
14. Kitchen Help: Saturday Sandi Bellamy
Duties: Saturday 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Wear hat, name tag and apron
- On Friday evening check with Friday’s Kitchen Coordinator to see what supplies are left over and what needs to be purchased for Saturday
- Purchase any supplies if necessary
- Open window for ventilation and turn on fan
- Prepare coffee, tea, sandwiches etc. for volunteers (supplied by the Co-coordinator and any goodies from Friday night pot luck)
- Serve beverages and snacks to volunteers from approximately 9 to 11 a.m. If it is very hot please pay particular attention to outside workers who cannot leave their posts.
- Clean up and leave kitchen spotless and arranged as found on Friday noon. Ensure the hall cleaners wash the floor
- Bag and take away all garbage bags that contain garden club discards (food and otherwise)
- Close window and turn off fan when you leave
- Coordinate any receipts and submit to Treasurer a.s.a.p.
15. Plant Arranging on the Tables – Plus Table Workers/Sellers
Jean Bengough (Sun) Liz Knight (Shade)
Duties: Friday 1:30 pm
- The Coordinators will be advising where and how they want the plants arranged.
- Organize and store extra plants under the tables.
- Plants can be arranged with a variety of plants material if required for display.
- Keep aisles as clean as is possible.
- ONLY people who have volunteered for these positions are be allowed in this area. Too many can be a problem for the plant arrangers.
Pramila Nair (Sun) Liz Knight (Shade)
- Wear a fancy hat, name tag and apron.
- Check the tables to make sure all are presentable.
- People who are sellers must have a good knowledge of the plants that they are selling, check with the coordinators for this.
- All plants are put into their correct category for the customers to choose the right plant that they are looking for.
- Be aware of the runners who are there to assist with any full trays.
- Keep the tables presentable.
- Advise where people can find plants in other areas of the hall and the 4 special tables, plus the shrubs outside at the front of the building. Also where the exit is for payment and pick up. Remember there is also a cash table at the entrance where the shrubs are.
16. Plant Information Table
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m to 12:00 pm.
- Wear Hat and Name Tag
- Bring reference books
- Answer plant questions – maybe speak to anyone in the waiting line up
- Note: volunteers should be Master Gardeners
17. Plant Reception Joan Bentley
Duties: Friday 1:00pm.
- Set up the rented tables as the coordinator requires.
- Place large wood pallet, (belonging to the Church) over the concrete pit and then place the sheet of plywood that is stored by the shed over that. This can then be used for the arrival of plants.
- Have spare tags, pens and books for reference.
- All tags must match the plant and have a price and members number, plus club just on the yellow tag.
- Assist with plants when being delivered to keep the flow of traffic.
- The coordinator must have checked all plants before they go into the hall for sorting and distributing.
- Make sure all plants are healthy, water if need be before they go inside. Also make sure all pots are clean, no invasive plants, bugs, snails, slugs etc.
- Have an extra damp cloth(s) to wipe down any dirty pots.
- Also as a volunteer, try not to help in areas where they are busy. Too many people can often be a hindrance and not a help.
- 12 people are required for this area
18. Plant Sorting and Distribution Gwen Odermatt
Duties: Friday 1:00
- Set up the 2 rented tables in the hall, just inside the door where the plant Reception is or as designated by the coordinator. Two tables are usually required.
- Re-check to make sure all pots and plants are clean. Send back to reception if any problems. No plants have to come into this distribution area until passed by the reception coordinator. Check with the person bringing them in. Have a damp cloth(s) to wipe things if need be.
- Sort all the plants into categories, before sending them onto the plant placement people. Invasive plants cannot be accepted. The coordinator must have checked all plants before moving onto the next stage. This is also a very important area for the plants and the sale.
- Check with the plant arrangement coordinators in regards to placement of plants. Also check for the yellow signs to help with this.
- All tags have to be visible and placed correctly.
- Please ONLY the persons who have volunteered for this area, because of the importance of this area. This area can get a bit hectic so just slow down and enjoy the process.
19. Propagation - Plant Sale Only
Duties: This may be set up as a separate committee for the Plant Sale.
- Dig up plants from members who want some plants removed or cut back and are willing to give to the club sale.
- Set up in September/October workshops to show people how they can propagate their own plants for the sale.
- Put information in the newsletter re starting seeds from own plants and other such plants and vegetable. Maybe this can also go on the web site. Also explain and show how pot and plants have to be brought to the Friday of the sale, thus, making everyone’s job a lot easier.
- Arrange for storage of plants and ask for pots for the workshops.
20. Lawn Signs.
- Day of April meeting pick-up the signs from storage location (truck required)
- Transport signs to hall and place in designated area of hall in preparation for signing out
- Request table and area in hall to distribute signs
- Use sign-out sheets provided to obtain: name, phone number and email address of club member taking a sign(s), along with the sign number, found on back of sign. There are separate sheets for Tulip and Red and White signs
- If all signs are not taken, arrange to take signs back to storage unit the following day
- Day of May meeting arrive early to meeting and park truck next to hall entrance
- Collect signs as members enter hall, checking off who has returned signs
- Transport signs back to the storage unit the following day
- Follow up via email with those members who did not return signs at meeting and ask that they bring sign to the June meeting
21. Shopper Traffic Directing Brenda Woosnam
- Duties: Saturday 8:30 - 12:15
- Stand at the exit of the church near where the cashiers are located
- Direct shoppers to the appropriate cashier, depending on payment method and whether they have trays of plants set aside.
22. Sign Placement in Community.Hope and Brian Hilstad
Duties: Saturday 7 am.
- Obtain signs from sign coordinator prior to sale
- Early Saturday am place signs in strategic locations in community as per list
- At end of sale pick up signs and return to sign coordinator
- Needs: vehicle, signs and a hammer
23. Tags
- January/February: ascertain how many white and yellow plant tags are in stock from previous year and ensure sufficient are ordered. Gwen Odermatt usually orders for the club. Approximately 4,000 white tags and 4,000 yellow tags should be on hand.
- Obtain last year’s ‘Club’ yellow tags from treasurer, clean and organize by price marked on tag. These will be re-used by propagation committee and members donating plants.
- At club meetings, starting in February, have tags available for purchase. Determine price (to exceed cost).
- At propagation sessions, ensure tags are available for plants.
- Keep a record of number of tags sold/ used. All payments to be submitted to treasurer.
24. Tools and Treasures Marie McConkey
Duties: Starting 2 Months prior to sale
- Plant Sale Chair will promote members bringing used tools and garden ornaments to meetings or dropping off at coordinator’s home. Reminders will also be placed in newsletter.
- Committee will create price tags for use(price tags must be rigid/durable for cashiers and tag sorters)
- Collect items prior to sale, price and label (no items less than $1, all items in increments of a $1); attach labels to items with masking tape
- Deliver items to hall Friday after noon and set up tool area (2 tables and open area against wall for tools)
- Wear hat, name tag and apron
- Staff tool area, monitor sales, reduce prices as needed
25. Traffic, Security and Crowd Control Gary Reitmayer
Duties: Friday 1:30 p.m.
- Direct traffic for incoming plants to Northeast door of church
- Co-ordinate one-way traffic flow
- Maintain good flow of traffic near and in holding area and plant pick-up area (this area needs a lot of attention during the sale)
- One person at each door, if possible. Watch doors for unpaid merchandise; discretely check for proof of payment in plant trays; direct customers to cashiers if necessary
- One person stationed by front entry door to hand out trays when doors open and provide security and traffic control near cashier at front entry.
- Prevent traffic jams in cashier areas – direct cars to plant pick up area, again make sure all vehicles are going in the right direction
- Wear a reflective vest – if possible -(along with hat and name tag) or a bright arm band
- Assist in clearing hall of customers at noon, if necessary
26. Trees and Shrubs Bryan Williams
Duties: Friday 1:00 to 4:30pm
- Collect all the trees and shrubs that have passed through the reception area and place at the front entrance overnight.
- Place all the plants outside (if weather permits) arrange them in order etc.
- Place the Trees and Shrubs sign where it can be visible.
- Ask the chair person to announce regularly that these are for sale at the front entrance and not in the hall.
- Assist in moving shrubs and trees to cashier’s station and then to vehicles.
- At the end of the sale, take out the yellow tags of unsold items and put into special bucket or bag marked “unsold plants” for the treasurer.
- All unsold plants are then sent with the trucks.
- Please clean up the outside and put sign in the large Rubbermaid container.
27. Value-Added Items
- Research products to sell at plant sale (garden gloves, sea soil, tool sharpeners, nail brushes)
- Purchase items/request cheque(s) from treasurer to pay for items
- Provide chair with copy of invoices
- At sale: Wear hat and name tag, sell products
- Sea Soil Seller stands by the truck, collects the paid-for Sea Soil vouchers, and makes sure people take away the correct number of bags. Needed from 8:30 to 10:30 (or so) on Saturday morning
28. Volunteer Sign in Lee Bolton
Duties: Friday 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm:
- Wear hat and name tag
- Check in each volunteer and mark off name on the master list
- Have volunteer write their name on slip of paper and put it into “Draw” container
Saturday 8:00 a.m.-9 a.m.
- Sign in volunteers following same procedure as Friday
- Return sign –in sheet to volunteer coordinator or plant sale chairperson along with container with names to be drawn
29. Yellow Tag Sorting Lori Ross
Duties: Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Wear hat and name tag
- Based in church “nursery” located off foyer
- Use tape to create the sorting grid on (3) plastic covered tables
- Take a container to collect yellow tags from cashiers (sorters take turns doing this)
- Clean and wipe soil from the tags (dress accordingly)
- Sort yellow tags by membership number or Club
- Sort tags in each grid box by dollar amount; separate into containers, count and bundle sorted tags with elastic bands
- Bag each seller’s tags in separate zip-lock bag, use marker to mark membership number on outside of bag
- Help to clean up this area following sale; clean tables, stack chairs etc.