Photo: Phil Knight
Plant Sale Day
Saturday May 3
Saturday May 3
Drivers with Trucks Ross Williams
Saturday 8:30-1:00
3 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:30-1:00
3 Volunteers Needed
- Wear a hat and name badge.
- Assist in setting up holding area and cashiers’ area.
- Assist in the take down of all tables after the sale, especially outside.
- Assist with the removal and transportation of unsold plants – after noon.
- Return items to Bryan Williams' house.
Traffic Security & Crowd Control. Gary Reitmayer
Saturday 8 am – 12:30 pm
7 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8 am – 12:30 pm
7 Volunteers Needed
- Maintain good flow of traffic near and in holding area and plant pick up area (this area needs a lot of attention during the sale).
- Maintain order in parking lot prior to customers entering the hall. Cordon off area with cones or similar.
- Inform customers that dogs and shopping carts are not allowed in the hall due to safety reasons.
- One person at each door, if possible. Watch doors for unpaid merchandise, discreetly check for proof of payment in plant trays, direct customers to cashiers if necessary.
- One person stationed by front entry door to hand out trays when doors open and provide security and traffic control near cashier at front entry.
- Two people at front of parking lot to direct cars and pedestrians.
- Prevent traffic jams in cashier areas – direct cars to plant pick up area, again make sure all vehicles are travelling in the right direction.
- Wear a high visibility reflective vest picked up at apron desk, along with hat and name tag. (Return vest at end of shift).
- Assist in clearing hall of customers at noon, if necessary.
Volunteer Sign In Coordinator needed
Saturday 8:00 am – 9:00 am
1 Volunteer Needed
Saturday 8:00 am – 9:00 am
1 Volunteer Needed
- Wear hat and name badge.
- Check in each volunteer and mark off name on the master list.
- Have volunteer write their name on slip of paper and put it into “Draw” container.
- Hand “Draw” container to volunteer coordinator or plant sale chair.
- Return sign in sheet to volunteer coordinator or plant sale chair along with “Draw” container. Names will be drawn at May meeting.
Hall Sweeper Coordinator needed
Saturday during sale
2 Volunteers Needed
Saturday during sale
2 Volunteers Needed
- Sweep church hall floor as necessary
- Provide broom and dustpan if possible
Tools and Treasures Coordinator needed
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
3 Volunteers Needed
After 12:00 pm
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
3 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name badge.
- Staff tool area, monitor sales, reduce prices as needed.
- Clean up area after sale.
After 12:00 pm
- Plant sale volunteers, working in pairs, remove table coverings, wipe down tables and carry rented tables outside and stack for pick up.
- Once the hall is emptied, volunteers should vacate the hall unless they have signed up for clean-up crew.
Trees & Shrubs. Bryan Williams
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
4 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
4 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name badge.
- Place the plants outside and put the signage.
- Assist buyers with their purchases.
- Clean up outside area after the sale.
Value Added/Garden Gear Marie Baird
2 Volunteers Needed
Description of this job coming soon.
2 Volunteers Needed
Description of this job coming soon.
Cashiers & Assistants Jean Bengough
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
11 Volunteers Needed
Additional Notes:
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
11 Volunteers Needed
- Cashiers need to be willing to operate SQUARE payment method using their personal, newer cell phone.
- 3 cashiers and 3 assistants, plus 1 express cashier and assistant outside back of church; 1 cashier and assistant outside front of church in Trees and Shrubs area.
- All cashiers and assistants meet with coordinator at 8:15 am in holding area behind church.
- Wear hats and name tags.
- Add up prices from tags and total the charge.
- Collect payment and make change if necessary.
- Place a coloured skewer in each plant tray to indicate payment.
- Make sure that laminated number cards are collected.
- In “Trees and Shrubs” area tie on a pink plastic strip to indicate payment.
- Use skewers to mark individual plants or trays of plants that have been paid for.
- Pull yellow tags from plants and match number of yellow tags with number of plants, tray by tray, arrange in groups by price.
- Transfer plants from club trays to cardboard trays.
- Read prices out to cashier.
Additional Notes:
- Yellow tags are placed in ice cream bucket for sorting inside.
- Sold plants are to be moved by delivery persons to plant pick up area for customers to collect.
- At end of plant sale, please help with clean-up of outside area, washing, drying, and rolling table coverings, remove all signage, stack chairs inside, etc.
Apron & High Vis Vest Management Coordinator needed
Saturday 8:00-9:00 am, & 12:00 -12:30 pm.
2 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:00-9:00 am, & 12:00 -12:30 pm.
2 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name badge.
- Sign out either yellow or green aprons as needed – keep a record in the book.
- There are 38 yellow aprons and 18 green aprons.
- Sign out high visibility vests and collect at end of sale.
- Collect, wash, fold and return to Plant Sale Chair at May meeting.
Sign Placement in Community. Coordinator needed
Saturday 7:00 am
2 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 7:00 am
2 Volunteers Needed
- Obtain signs from Sign Coordinator prior to the sale.
- Early Saturday morning place signs in strategic locations in the community as per list. This list will be dependent on the number of signs left over after the April meeting.
- End of sale pick up signs and give back to coordinator.
Holding Area Set-Up Outside Cindy MacIntosh
Saturday 7:15 am – 8:00 am
8 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 7:15 am – 8:00 am
8 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name tag.
- Set out tables for plant holding, cashiering and plant pick up at rear of church – see map – plus several tables at front of church (by Trees and Shrubs) area.
- Cover tables with heavy vinyl/oilcloth table coverings.
- Set up the club canopies and any borrowed from members (depending on the weather).
- Indicate plant pick up area for pick up by vehicles using signs and cones.
- Block off both ends of the holding area with white chain.
- Set up signage (table numbers, no parking, exit only, cashier signs.)
- Outside set up, ensure that maps are posted, and all required equipment is available
Survey/Greeters. Colleen Martin
4 Volunteers Needed
Saturday from 8:00 am – 9:30 ish
From 8:30 AM - Noon
4 Volunteers Needed
Saturday from 8:00 am – 9:30 ish
- Greet public.
- Conduct survey.
- Advise shoppers how sale works, including explanation of runner system, cashiers, trays, holding area for plants, drive through for plant pick up and credit or cash payments.
From 8:30 AM - Noon
- Greet public at main entrance.
- Take a head count using “clicker”.
- Hand out trays for shopping.
- Monitor hall capacity (max 250), allowing more shoppers in as space becomes available.
Club Membership Table. Pam Robertson
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm.
2 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm.
2 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name badge.
- Have general information/brochures about the club on hand as well as information about future meetings.
- Sign up any new members.
- Clean up area and pack up membership table at end of sale.
Plant Information Table John Edworthy & Ruth Sebastian
Saturday 8:30 – 12:00 Noon.
3 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:30 – 12:00 Noon.
3 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name badge.
- Bring reference books.
- Answer plant questions – perhaps speak to customers waiting in the line.
- Note: volunteers must be Master Gardeners.
Kitchen Help Sandi Bellamy
Saturday 8:00 am – 12:30 pm
6 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:00 am – 12:30 pm
6 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name tag.
- On Friday evening check with Friday’s kitchen coordinator to find out what supplies are left over and what needs to be purchased for Saturday.
- Purchase supplies as necessary.
- Open window for ventilation and turn on fan.
- Prepare coffee, tea, sandwiches, etc. for volunteers and any goodies remaining from Friday night potluck from approximately 9 to 11 am. If the weather is very hot, please pay particular attention to outside workers who cannot leave their posts.
- Clean up and leave kitchen spotless and arranged as found on Friday before setup. Ensure the floor is washed.
- Bag and take away all garbage bags that contain garden club discards (food and otherwise).
- Close window and turn off fan on leaving.
- Coordinate any receipts and submit to treasurer at earliest convenience.
Table Workers and Sellers Coordinator needed
Saturday 8:00 AM – 12:30 pm
16 Volunteers Needed.
4 for sun plants, 4 for shade plants, 3 for other, 2 for Mother’s Day. Sue, this does not = 16
After 12:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 AM – 12:30 pm
16 Volunteers Needed.
4 for sun plants, 4 for shade plants, 3 for other, 2 for Mother’s Day. Sue, this does not = 16
- Wear hat and name tag
- Check tables before the sale to make sure all tables look full and tidy.
- During the sale, rearrange plants, and bring additional up from the floor, to keep the tables looking nice.
- Help customers select plants.
- You can provide advice if you know it, or you can direct the customer to Plant Advice table if you are unsure.
- Help with clean up at end of sale.
After 12:00 pm
- Cleaning cannot begin until sellers remove their unsold plants. Yellow tags are then removed from remaining plants and put into “unsold plants” container for the treasurer. These plants are taken outside. This step is done by inside workers.
- Plant sale volunteers, working in pairs, remove table coverings, wipe down tables and carry rented tables outside and stack for pick up.
- Once the hall is emptied, volunteers should vacate the hall unless they have signed up for clean-up crew.
Inside Runners Coordinator needed
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
9 Volunteers Needed
After 12:00 pm
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
9 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat, apron, and name tag.
- Strong able-bodied individuals for this task.
- Volunteers meet with coordinator at 8:30 am for briefing (just inside exit door near kitchen).
- Supply customers with trays to hold plants if necessary.
- Be prepared with pairs of laminated numbers. These will be given to you by the coordinator at the briefing.
- Take chosen purchases (trays of plants) from customers and give them a number. A duplicate number is placed on tray clearly visible.
- Remind customers that they will need to present their number(s) at a cashier station to collect their trays of plants.
- Take trays of plants to holding area outside. Number will be mounted on a holder stuck into plants. Matching numbers will later reunite purchaser with chosen plants.
- Collect additional pairs of numbers at holding area as necessary.
- Encourage people to shop.
- IMPORTANT: Make sure laminated numbers are given back to the coordinator at the end of the sale.
After 12:00 pm
- Cleaning cannot begin until sellers remove their unsold plants. Yellow tags are then removed from remaining plants and put into “unsold plants” container for the treasurer. These plants are taken outside. This step is done by inside workers.
- Plant sale volunteers, working in pairs, remove table coverings, wipe down tables and carry rented tables outside and stack for pick up.
- Once the hall is emptied, volunteers should vacate the hall unless they have signed up for clean-up crew.
Outside Runners Betty Lou Douglas
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
10 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
10 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name tag.
- This task requires strong able-bodied individuals.
- Meet with coordinator at 8:30 am for briefing.
- Coordinator will assign people to various tasks, 1 outside runner to each cashier station
- Receive trays from inside runners and ensure each has a laminated number. This number is then put onto a plastic card holder stuck into tray of plants. The matching number is held by the customer to whom the plants belong.
- Plant trays are moved to the holding tables on exterior back wall of church.
- Place plant trays on tables to match number mounted on church wall. Final digit of number on card is matched to wall number, e.g. tray with card 68 is placed on table 8.
- At least one worker assigned to each cashier station to collect plants for that station.
- When customers are at cashier station, take customer’s number card(s) and find tray(s) with matching numbers. Carry tray(s) to cashier station where customer is waiting. Keep customer’s trays together.
- Retrieve both laminated cards bearing the same number plus the stick and return them to the holding area entrance.
- At completion of sale, assist with clean-up of the holding area.
- Coordinator to communicate prior to and on day of sale duties and expectations.
- Responsible for distribution, collection and organization of number card pairs
Directors of Shopper Traffic Coordinator needed
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:15 pm.
3 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:15 pm.
3 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hat and name badge.
- This task requires the ability to direct people efficiently and have a commanding voice.
- As shoppers exit the rear of the church hall, they are ready to pay for their purchases. There will be 2 people stationed here. The first person will direct shoppers to appropriate line (collecting trays or not) and the second directs shoppers to the appropriate cashier station, depending on the method of payment.
- The aim is to make this process more efficient and keep crowds from building at a particular cashier station.
- Express cashier will handle cash only.
- Communicate with shoppers and direct them accordingly.
- This position is ideally filled by Cashier Coordinator
- Coordinator to communicate to volunteers prior to and on day of sale duties and expectations
Delivery of Plants to Pick Up Area Debbie Baxter
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
6 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:15 am – 12:30 pm
6 Volunteers Needed
- This task requires strong able-bodied individuals.
- Coordinator to meet with volunteers at 8:15 am for orientation.
- A delivery person is assigned to each of the 3 main cashier stations. When plants are paid for ask how many trays are to be moved. Check for proof of payment (coloured skewers on tray).
- Help to carry sold plants from the cashier station to the pick-up area.
- Label with customers name and # of trays.
- Black plastic trays belonging to club should be retrieved and stacked in hall front entrance
- Help load plants in cars only if not too busy. Not during rush 9:30 to 10:30.
- Retrieve skewers from trays/plants once trays are stowed in car.
- At close of sale collect cones and signs for the plant pick up points and return them to the coordinator.
- Assist with holding area clean up, especially folding and stacking tables and taking down canopies.
- Coordinator to communicate prior to sale duties and expectations
Yellow Tag Sorting Lori Ross
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
7 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
7 Volunteers Needed
- Wear hats and name badges.
- Based in church “nursery” located off the foyer.
- Use tape to create the sorting grid on (3) plastic covered tables.
- Take a container to collect yellow tags from cashiers (sorters take turns doing this).
- Clean and wipe soil from tags (dress accordingly).
- Sort yellow tags by membership number or “club”.
- Sort tags in each grid box by dollar amount; separate into containers.
- Count and bundle sorted tags with rubber bands.
- Bag each seller’s tags in separate zip lock bag, use marker to label membership number on outside of bag.
- Help to clean up area following sale, clean tables, stack chairs, etc.
Clean Up of Main Hall Coordinator needed
Saturday 12:30 pm onwards
8 Volunteers Needed
Saturday 12:30 pm onwards
8 Volunteers Needed
- Mats are shaken outside.
- Hall is dry swept going from one end to the other and into corners.
- Then hall is wet mopped. All marks should be removed from the hall floor.
- Check that the kitchen is clean, floor has been washed and garbage bagged up. Same for the “nursery” room off the foyer where yellow tag sorting took place.
- Remove garbage from bathrooms. All garbage must be removed from the church.
- Church must be left spotless, and all items returned to their original positions prior to set up on Friday.